Any person can invest in real estate because of the security it offers, as it protects your money and produces healthy returns over time. Your home value may, however, decrease due to a number of causes.

Your property may be affected as a result, increasing the likelihood that you will lose money. Aura Properties The most authentic real estate company in Pakistan has created a list of some significant elements that can adversely affect the value of real estate. You can prevent a loss in your property investment by keeping in mind these suggestions beforehand.

8 Factors That Decrease Property Value:

It is crucial to take into account a number of things before spending a significant sum of money in a piece of real estate. These factors listed below have the potential to reduce the value of your home and ultimately cause you to lose the money you invested rather than make a profit.

  • A Disregard for Maintenance
  • Too Much Modification
  • Neglected- Front and Back Yards
  • A Poor Or Noisy Neighborhood
  • Inadequate Upkeep of External Paint
  • Less Garage Space
  • Foreclosures In the Local Area

A Disregard for Maintenance:

One of the most crucial points in increasing the value of your property is maintenance. Considering the fierce competition in the real estate market, presenting your property in the best possible light is essential to maximizing your profit. Your carelessness, such as falling behind on maintenance or cleaning tasks, could result in a sharp decline in the value of the property.

Too Much Modification:

Homebuyers also take into account how much work needs to be done while evaluating a house. This can entail exchanging bizarre wallpaper, painting over unusual colors, and switching out peculiar fixtures. They might include it in their budget because such chores can be quite time- and money-consuming, and then ask you for a reduced price on your house. This seems fair, and you may avoid it by refraining from making too many individualized alterations to the property. If you wish to do anything, be sure it can be quickly undone or reversed so that it may be later sold.

Neglected Front/Back Yard:

Presentation counts when selling real estate. Updating the exterior of your home is a terrific method to increase the price; conversely, ignoring the aesthetics could cost you money.

If your home has a front and rear yard, maintain it regularly to prevent a mess. Potential buyers will have a positive view of the house as a result and think it will be well-maintained as well.

Eliminate any surplus plants and flowers as another way to keep your front and backyard clutter-free. This will project a tidy and clean impression.

Noisy/Poor Neighborhood:

Even if a property has every appealing feature that buyers are looking for, a glance at the mediocre homes next door may easily put them off. The average housing value in a neighborhood with dirty, neglected homes is lower than that in a neighborhood with clean, well-maintained dwellings.

Location significantly influences a property’s value. People are drawn to places that are close to parks, stores, and schools because it makes living there more convenient, particularly for families.

Without a doubt, even in a down market, the value of your home will rise. There is always a chance that if your house is not in an excellent location, its value could decrease.

Exterior Condition:

The first impression that visitors have of your property is based on its exterior. A major turnoff can be the exterior paint that is discolored, damaged, or flaking. Besides, painting your house in an unconventional color is another drawback. Neutral hues like grey, white, cream, and beige are preferred by most buyers. So, if you’re planning to personalize your property with a plan to make a profit off it later, choose your colors carefully.

Inadequate Garage Space:

Your home’s architectural design has a major impact on its worth. Many purchasers eventually back out if your property lacks a designated parking area or a garage since it can be quite challenging to keep their car secure. Therefore, having garage spaces can significantly increase the valuation of your property.

Community Foreclosures:

If there is a neighboring foreclosure, the value of your home may decrease. This is so that assessors can take into account previous sales in your neighborhood when calculating the worth of your home. People naturally expect similar budget possibilities when they hear about reduced property costs in your location and distrust you if you ask for a greater price.

Furthermore, abandoned homes may remain unoccupied and unmaintained for a considerable amount of time. The value of your property may suffer as a result. Another issue that can occur is that potential purchasers would be reluctant to purchase in a neighborhood where there are a lot of short sales or foreclosures. This is because a property’s perceived stability is low, and they can be worried about the future as a result.

For more information contact Aura Properties, we provide free consultancy & available to assist you regarding any Real Estate query.

Research & written by:
Sanah Abbasi