ISLAMABAD: An operation against encroachment conducted by the Capital Development Authority (CDA) ended in the demolition of an unapproved Afghan village in Sector C-16 of Islamabad.

The operation to remove illegal houses and Afghan settlements from the region was carried out by the Land Directorate and the enforcement section of the CDA. This was done with the intention of preventing Islamabad from being encroached upon.

Anti-Encroachment Operation by CDA in C-16 Sector

Source: (ProProperty) Anti-Encroachment Operation by CDA in C-16 Sector

Learn More: CDA to Open Tenders for C-16 Sector Islamabad

Officials from the CDA have stated that Sector C-16 possesses enormous economic potential not only for the municipal organisation but also for the other sectors along Margalla Avenue, which include Sectors C-13, C-14, and C-15.

Learn More: How Registry Works in Pakistan

Work on developing Sectors I-12, C-14, and C-15 is now taking place, while practically all of the construction work in Sector I-15 has been completed.

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